Case Study: Katey’s Fitness Journey

My life changing decision in 2022 to change my health and well being.


Katey joined Unite in Fitness in 2022 wanting to improve her physical and mental health.

Prior to joining Unite in Fitness, I’d had two children, avoided regular exercise through being self-conscious and suffered with anxiety. Motivated after a chat with a couple of participants at a yoga class with Cobi, I took the plunge and started attending Jackie and Pedro’s Zumba classes.

 The welcoming and friendly nature of the instructors created an environment where I felt comfortable and encouraged. Each with their infectious enthusiasm, they inject a sense of fun and energy into their classes which inspires and motivates everyone.

 Beyond the fantastic instructors, I love the friendships I’ve formed that have extended beyond the studio. It’s a supportive network that cheers each other on, shares milestones, and celebrates successes, however small.

 During my time with Unite I’ve experienced a massive transformation in my fitness levels. I have seen improvement in my endurance, flexibility, physical strength and weight. The range of classes have played a crucial part in my progress and growth in my confidence. If anyone had’ve told me I would be running around the streets of Bush Hill Park in Kangoo boots I would have laughed!

 Beyond physical change, my mental health has seen a positive impact. The supportive and encouraging atmosphere at Unite has become a space for me to release stress and clear my mind.

 For anyone considering embarking on a fitness journey, whatever your age or level of fitness or ability, Unite in Fitness has something for you. I’m so grateful to have found them!


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